Health and Medical Video: Facelift Using Thread

Health and Medical Video: Facelift Using Thread


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It results from a survey of American companies, 60% of women suspected of ร้อยไหม plastic surgery. However, face protection beauty care 89%. Professional cosmetics talk about one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today lifting face with threads.

24 carats beauty

Golden reinforcement called this procedure at the beginning of zero. The frame made of the precious metal in places sagging leather could make it even more representative because the procedure is guaranteed result for many years. Basically, the procedure of gold threads warning reinforcing steel rod construction projects. It is mainly used in high-threaded 24 carat 999 carats and less than 0.1 mm thick.

General anesthesia, two punctures per skin marker. Then gold threads across all natural stretched out faces. The golden thread was a breakthrough. In fact, these are artificial gold have made a new framework for sagging tissue and pull them out there was no way it was in the dermis to face forever. It is particularly impressed by the radiologist who received an image of a person whose identity is permeated with small twigs.


The surgery can last up to several hours under full anesthesia and the rehabilitation period takes place once a month. Pierced with a needle pecked patch, the face needs careful care. Add to this all solid bruises and swelling. But this picture really stayed with you forever.

New Era thread

Today, precious metal has given way to a new generation of materials. New structure covered with polylactic acid. Later this fiber breaks down into safe substances for the body water and carbon dioxide. The most popular threads in the modern cosmetics industry are Aptos and Light Lift threads the thinnest micro-belly rods placed at an angle. Aptos Polypropylene synthetic sewing material used in surgery for more than 50 years. This is one of the most effective ways for patients over the age of 45 with severe age-related changes.

Light Lift carpolac threads completely dissolve the year of biosynthetic material. Their advantage of another anti-aging effect that contributes to achieving L-lactic acid composed of fibers. These fibers will help to remedy existing shortcomings and slow down the emergence of new ones.

Principle of operation

It is to know if you have a criterion quite simply. First, you should be under the age of 35. Second, even after you have enough sleep and rest, the person is tired who detects the first signs of gravitational ptosis. It usually pronounced nasolabial folds, drooping corners of the mouth. General anesthesia is not necessary. The doctor will freeze a special cream. Threads injected under the skin with a needle for injection through the smallest protocols.

Most criterions, which resemble bluish forests, stretched inside the needle. The needles are inserted under the skin, and then removed and the threads remain. After about 6 months breaks remain and on-site compaction, which pulls the fabric up and prevents them from sagging, playing a framed function.

Originally the lifting effect and skin sealing is achieved mostly by fibers, and then tightening is due to the formation of new collagen and elastin, when the process of thread resorption fibroblasts found in the skin dermis begin to actively producing collagen and elastin. Usually the process takes less than an hour. In the face of an elevator can take from 5 to 50 turns, depending on the original condition of the skin.